Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Lake Barkley

More pictures of Lake Barkley area and Cadiz, KY. Matt said our pictures need to be more exciting, so I thought that a picture of his mother pole dancing would do the trick.

My new good best friend at the Golden Pond Visitor Center. I could do that job....... I think.

Beautiful downtown Cadiz, Kentucky. Laura said that this is where they send you if you are in the witness protection program.

Tomorrow we head north about 50 miles to the Hillman Ferry Campground in an area that is known as the "Land Between The Lakes".


  1. Cadiz looks like my kind of town

  2. HAHAH Uncle Jim put that Laura is a pole dancer!!! i like it. This is a cool blog spot dad!

  3. lol, this is where I grew up. Glad you had a chance to pass through.
